Vito – Shiba Inu

Estimated read time 2 min read

I had a pleasure of knowing Vito since he was a pup, just a couple years ago. He lived in my neighborhood, but has moved away since 🙁 . It was nice to spend couple of hours photographing him. Our scheduled meeting happen to be one of the coldest days so far…brr! We met in one of the Burnaby’s dog parks, taking photos there seemed like one of the safest options.

Vito, quite like the other Shiba Inu I have met, cannot be let out of leash in an unfenced area..why? He just takes off, I guess freedom is more important that obedience. Well I do understand that! I was never really obedient myself.


Look at all these different expressions, Vito is so super friendly with people and other dogs. He is never ready to stop playing, it is always a challenge to take him home.


One of the most amazing things about Vito is the fact that he has three moms, all four of them live together and take turns taking him out and petting. You can just imagine how spoiled he is :)…and look at him shouldn’t he be?


It was cold, but Vito did not mind. He was a bit tired form running around in his Shiba Inu Meet up group earlier..that was a good call to try to photograph him after he was so tired I still had a hard time keeping up with him.


I had a great idea of putting the Christmas hat on Vito, but he did not share my no funny business!


I love how his colors change when the sun hits it..


Thank you for letting my photograph our former neighbor, we are missing you, Mischa too!

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