Modern Dog Editorial

If you subscribe to The Modern Dog Magazine, you mostly likely have a copy of their Spring Issue in your hands, if not you can pick it up on magazine stand pretty soon. In this issue you can read lots of interesting stories and look at some photos. Why am I bring it it up? Well, if you look at page 8 you can see my photo and a bio note. Pages 38-42 have an article written by Patricia Komar and all the photos are taken by yours truly.


I have to say I am pretty excited about it, I really enjoy editorial work. It is quite different from a studio shots. I do not mind getting dirty and cold, I think I prefer it to the clean and bright studio work. I do like the challenge and fresh air.


And here is a few photos that are not from my bad scanner..



I thought I will share with you.

Thank you,


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  1. 1

    OHHHH!!!! I am so proud to say I know you!. Awesome work Angie…absolutely beautiful. Congratulations!!!! I have to wait to go across the ocean to get my copy since none of our spots carry MD here on the island, but you can bet this issue will be a keeper for me!

  2. 3

    It was really great to have you out here Angie. I finally got my copy of the magazine, and enjoyed all the shots. Just wish I would of moved the dogs pool away from the barn.
    Thanks again for making to trip out.

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