Cats!!! and a Family! W00t!!?

Estimated read time 2 min read

Let me first start with the fact that I do love cats! My sweet little Peaches is with me since I moved to Canada (16 years ago!) and I love her to pieces.

This fall I have decided to do something nice for someone who deserves it and announced the contest, I wanted the people to nominate someone who went above and beyond for animal welfare. It had to be a volunteer, not helping animals as a job.  I would not say that response was overwhelming however the decision was super easy due to the number of emails received with one person’s name…Karen! I was excited as I had a chance to volunteer along with her at Surrey SPCA, where Karen for the last six years spend most of her mornings walking the dogs and most of her evenings lobbing for dogs to be adopted and cared for.

Amazing thing Karen, such an incredible dog lover has no dogs of her own, her cats do not approve… I was excited to get to Karen’s Surrey house and meet her family.  Since her boys are her whole life I could not leave them out of the shoot, I would not say they were excited, but they did comply with a promise of chocolate and lunch out afterward.

Cats and not easy to photograph, but having a lot of patience and experience definitely helps to get good shots.
I am happy to introduce you to Misty and Peanut, both 6 years old – the cats!

Misty was much easier to photograph, not really impressed with me as you can see from the stare…but I managed..

This next photo has me thinking Garfield…lol


Peanut was a much harder model to capture, but my meowing sounds got her interested enough to come out and grace me with her presence. I do have some tricks up my sleeve…cannot tell you everything..

I am quite excited now to work on the book for Karen, she won the book and the photo shoot as a courtesy of Off Leash Photography.

There is no person more deserving than her! Thank you Karen for caring for so many years, we all truly miss you at the shelter.

At last, but not least Karen’s family: Husband Jamie and two sons  Shane and Aidan.


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