Zuzia Yorkshire Terrier

Meet full of energy bundle of fur! Wow she was hard to capture in a still position..



She is 9 years old and you would never know it, her focus is always on food and petting. Zuzia is very social and loves to cuddle. Every time she a had a chance she placed herself on my lab.


These photos may seem a lot alike, but that what comes out of 15 minutes of work..


One thing about the Yorkie it is hard to capture their eyes, Zuzia is not the one to allow her hair to be tied up.


There it was my 15 minutes session with Zuzia. She belongs to my sister, so I had to take a few shots. BTW all this graffiti is on the elementary school building, and not in the slams… one thing you would not see in Canada..Poland is still a bit different..

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