Kaya Weimaraner and Pointer cross

I had to stop by Modern Dog Magazine office yesterday to finish some overdue product shots. When I was there last time I and saw Kaya, Connie’s (the owner and founder of MDM) dog, I kept thinking about her for a long time.For some unknown reason I wanted to photograph her so badly!  So this time I did. We did not spend much time together as Kaya does not like the cameras and there no way she will allow any lights near her face. So we took her out to the neighborhood patch of grass..



Kaya is an older lady, approaching 16, but still with it. She spends her days looking for food or resting quietly next to Connie’s desk on a comfy doggy bed. Or hangs out in the office with other dogs.


I cannot explain this, but I get such a powerfull vibe from this dog. Kaya has that something about her that calms me down, makes my voice softer and my eyes water.


She is the first dog that I photographed that you can follow on the twitter, isn’t this amazing?

You can also read a bit about her here and there in Connie’s Blog.

For some reason I was feeling little nostalgic today..black and white photos seemed to fit in with my mood.

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  1. 2

    These are gorgeous Angie. I love when you get that special feeling from an animal.
    They all do that to some degree, but some are very very special.

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