West Highland White Terrier (Westie)- lovely Ali

So, I finally met Ali, we have been trying to schedule something since last May.. Ali is a lovely Westie, she is oneĀ  year and 7 months old and her parents are getting married next month! Congratulations!


I have to say this little dog surprised me with her energy and ability to climb the rocks, she was like a little mountain goat and only once ended up sliding down on a patch of ice. Yes, we still have ice and snow in Vancouver. Have you noticed they not call it global warming anymore; it is being referred to as climate change. I will say quite fitting for what we are experiencing here. But back to our star… ALI! Ali, as any dog from a Terrier family is very active and curiou during the session she was chasing the imaginary rats..


With the insane amount of patience and treats, we got her to sit down to take a photo with Vancouver skyline in the back…


I have to say I am not usually a fan of graffiti, but kind of like these ones on the beach, I have a feeling I will back there soon… I have to keep the location secret.. it is nice and quiet!



It was so much fun; cold, but fresh air and all that running around by the end of the session Ali was pretty tired… me too and I had 3 more hours f shooting outside that day..


When we left the beach (and Ali did it pretty abruptly following Golden Retriever, bad dog!) I could not hep myself but to grab the wide angleĀ  lens and have some fun!

I usually stick to my choice number one 70- 200 mm, great for beach shots and running dogs.



I had to give in to the tongue fixation of mine… wow, it is late and I still have tons of photos to work on. Till next time.

I will be taking some office time for a while, I got the note that the government needs its taxes on Feb 23 and my accounting is … well.. I need an accountant.. any takers?

Steve, Ali’s daddy said that he liked the idea of story boards, so I made one for Ali…


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  1. 2

    Fabulous shots! The one w/ the skyline in the background is fantastic. And I’m a huge fan of wide-angle images of dogs so of course I love those. =)

  2. 3

    Well – as the owner of Ali, I think all of them are amazing… but, I *love* the one with the skyline in the background, the graffiti background and the one where Ali is in the rocks.

    Thanks Angie!

  3. 4

    Well – as the owner of Ali, I think all of them are amazing… but, I *love* the one with the skyline in the background, the graffiti background and the one where Ali is in the rocks. Thanks Angie!

  4. 5

    Thank you guys! And Steve, there is lots more for you to look at; with graffiti too! I will get the album ready for you in the next couple of days, I am just very, very busy!

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