Martie and Tisza Hungarian Vizslas



April 18, 2009 marks Martie’s 10 years on this planet and I had a pleasure to photograph him and his sister on the very day of his B-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARTIE!

It was a crisp spring morning, the due covered the park and  the sun just woke up. We walked from the house to the Deer Lake Park in Burnaby via winding trail in the forest. I cannot imagine a better start to my weekend. We got to the opens field and dog dogs were finally unleashed..


After dogs run around for a bit while I snapped some shots we decide that now in the time to do some bro and sis shots.

Colleen, Martie’s and Tisza’s mom was super helpful with getting them to sit and pose.. Tisza, was no as keen on sitting still as her older brother




Few shot here and there.. and the treats came out


How can you say no to this?


Then some synchronized running..I swear I did nothing to this photo! I cannot believe it! Total fluke!




As always it was a lot of fun, but to make it more fun for you here is a collage of funny things that I discovered looking at the shots..


Big thank you to Colleen for working so hard and patiently to get the dogs were we wanted them.

That would be it for the sneak peek..I have to find a better way to compress the photos… I try to make them super tiny for the web, but they lose so much in quality


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  1. 1

    Oh my, they seemed joined at the hip! Love the ones of them sitting and “melding” together! What a beautiful breed. I shoot a single Vizsla in early May. Can’t wait!

  2. 2
    Hilary Stephens

    Angie, I love the photos of the vizslas – they’re wonderful!! I especially love the synchronized running shot – how perfect. They’re such wonderful, athletic and regal dogs. I also love the photos of them with both paws up to see their paw pads. Irresitable!! Fabulous photos as always! Thank you for sharing your photos and experience with us all. Hilary (Lauer’s mum)

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